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Full Game Development Process

Let me introduce you to the unreal vault where you will learn to create games from scratch. This course will cover all my Unreal Engine 5 knowledge into one organized complete video series.

All the way from beginner setup to finished game with boss fights. You will learn the fundamentals, materials, level design, landscaping, blueprints, the full game creation proces, make an epic dragon battle and much much more.

Create Beautiful Levels

Create stunning landscapes, awesome levels and environments in just a couple of structured lessons.

You will learn how to create materials, landscaping and level design.

Make your games and projects pop out with these awesome tools. All of this is created within Unreal Engine 5.

Create Boss Fights - Epic Dragon Battle

Boss battles are the ultimate build-up challenges at the end of a level or game. A good and epic dragon battle will leave your players in awe.

You will learn an awesome system to generate random attacks from enemies or have them generated based on distance.

This set up is not complicated and repeatable for multiple enemies. Make it once, use it for all your bosses!

Blueprints - Visual Scripting

In Unreal Engine 5 you have the possibility to write code in a visual and user friendly way. This is because of Blueprints. Connect simple nodes to get functional gameplay within minutes.

Core Fundamentals

Many other courses skip over the basic stuff or don't go past the very basics. In this course you will learn in a structured and step by step way. All skills will build on top of eachother. The logic will be compatible and you can use it for your own projects.

User Interface (UI) Setup

A game is only finished when you have a main menu, pause screen, game over menu, win screen and all conditions met to trigger them. You will also learn how create a HUD to show your health and mana bar during gameplay.

Puzzle Elements

You will learn how to communicate between blueprints and how to connect them to create interesting puzzle elements. Find hidden keys to open doors that will lead to your character learning magic.

Package and Share your Game

Create games that can be shared with your friends or uploaded on and steam. Projects needs to be packaged correctly in order to open them from an executable file. This way anyone can play your game. Feel free to share it.

Free Bonuses

Included in the course are the promotional goodies. Get the free ebook (how to get better at game development), the Game Design Document (structure your project and ideas) and free bonus platformer course (Platformy).

Complete Course

I created the course that I wish I had when I first started out with Game Development and Unreal Engine 5. All necessary components to create a game from start to finish are included within this ultimate course. Extra modules that are added to the course in the future are included for free. Join once, learn forever!

Quixel Megascans Integration

Quixel is part of the Unreal Engine suite and is integrated within UE5. Megascans is an awesome component of that. You will learn how to use awesome 3D art in your projects (yes, also for free). I will teach you the ins and outs of megascans so you can create cool scenes and levels with them.

Develop Games FAST

Have you ever wondered how indie game developers can create awesome and stunning games all by themselves? Learn how to solo create your own games without the need for a team or fancy equipment. You will learn how to use the newest tools efficiently so you can develop games FAST.

A.I. and NPC Integration

Artificial Intelligence sounds very futuristic and complitcated. But it is here within Unreal Engine 5 and it's beginner friendly to use!

Create enemies or allies that follow you around, attack or assist you. This technology is also avaiblable with Blueprints (visual scripting). Connect the nodes, path your A.I. way and let the magic of UE5 do it's work.

In this course you will learn how make a charging goblin, ninjas with combination attacks and a dragon boss fight that will choose attacks based on distance and randomness. This will bring a variety of enemies and uniqueness.

Damage And Health System

Create interesting attacks for your character and it's enemies. You will learn how to create melee combinations, ranged attacks, magic spells, direct and AOE damage and a combination of all these attacks.

The damage caused by these attacks will be linked the UI (HUD/Screen). The health will be updated in an efficient way and shown on screen. Casted spells will deduct mana from the magic bar. All pieces will come together inside of example projects.

You will also learn how to regain health with health pickups and mana with an automatic refilling bar (regeneration over time).

Create Cinematics (Sequencer)

Create cool cutscenes with Unreal Engine Sequencer. Make stunning scenes that will be shown at certain moments within your game.

The main focus of the course is on Game Development but you can use these lessons for any other project. You can combine the lessons of the level design, scripting and sequencer to create interesting scenes!

You will learn how to create different cutscenes, combine them together and trigger them at the start, end or any triggerable moment in any of your projects.

Step By Step - Repeatable Proces

Not only do i show you how to create games but i explain everything step by step. You don’t need to be genius or have any coding experience. The course is structured in such a way that the skillsets will build upon eachother.

There is also a 30-day money-back-guarantee if needed – so feel free try it out – but i’m confident that you will learn a lot by these methods. It is set up in such a way that you will be able to create your own games, boss battles and epic levels for your own future projects. 

Level Design

Game Development

Boss Fights

Curriculum Overview

  GameDev Toolkit
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Welcome & Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Fundamentals: The Basics
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Level Design - Create Environments From Scratch
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creating A Game - From Start To Finish
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Creating A Boss Battle (Dragon Fight!)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus content
Available in days
days after you enroll
Lifetime access

Get in early while there is still a promotion price for the early birds. This includes lifetime access to the complete course. All the required tools are also for free or offered by me within a downloadable file.

Future updates included

This course will be kept up to date over time. All future updates and additions are included for free. Pay once, profit forever.

No experience required

You don’t need to be genius or have any coding experience. The course is structured in such a way that the skillsets will build upon eachother.

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